The Jetsons’ Rosey the Robot may have been the first droid to run a home, but Google is trying to bring it into a reality. While the title of this post may have you thinking about C-3PO taking orders for dinner and vacuuming your living room, an article from the NY Times highlights a new Google technology called Android@Home that turns your Android phone into your home’s control center.
How many things can your Android phone control in your home if you wanted it to? Pretty much anything. From lighting to exercise equipment to entertainment centers, Google is envisioning a future where Android can touch every facet of your home.
While this may sound like a real life version of Ray Bradbury’s There Will Come Soft Rains, if you think of it there are already a number of things in your home that you’re controlling with your phone. I can control my TV and DVR through a Verizon app on my phone. A number of security companies offer an app to monitor and adjust your home’s security system from your device. Even cars can be started, heated and unlocked from a phone. So is controlling the major components of your home from your phone more reality than sci-fi? I think so.
Click here to read the full article about the Android@Home project and share in the comments what aspect of your home would you most want to control from your phone.
[…] A House Run by a Droid Recently, David Marine posted this on CB's Blue Matter. We truly live in amazing times. As I read through David's post and then the article, I had to wonder if the "New Home Depot" might look completely different in the near future as people start to think about Home Improvements. […]
We truly live in amazing times. As I read through David's post and then the article, I had to wonder if the "New Home Depot" might look completely different in the near future as people start to think about Home Improvements.