Home Is Where the Gym Is

Helpful tips and exercises that can be done from home for those with the busiest of schedules.

As spring is coming into full bloom and warmer weather seems to be here to stay, it means pool and beach season is upon us.  But do not fret – you still have time to get toned and in shape for the summer. And the best part? You can do it all from the convenience of your home!

Although most of us would love to be able to get to the gym three or four days a week, the fact is life does not always provide the time.  However, you may be able to fit certain exercises in between getting the kids fed and in bed, or on those nights you get home late from work, before you collapse from exhaustion from your grueling day.

Safety precaution:  Pay attention to your body during the movements — if anything hurts or causes pain, stop immediately. And check with your doctor first before beginning this, or any, exercise program.

Be the Stair-MASTER:

Listen up iFIT fans, this one is for you. A great alternative to getting your cardio done at the gym and within your normal routine is utilizing the stairs in your house. That’s right…put the Stair in Stairmaster right at home. Just a few extra trips up and down the stairs (based on your endurance level) will do the trick. Be extra careful to wear the proper footwear so you don’t slip. And if the weather is nice outside you can take your workout outdoors and use the steps leading up to your front door.

Want to go the extra mile? You can even take a victory lap around your block. Bonus: this is a great way to meet new neighbors from your community.

Now We’re Cooking!

In between prepping chicken, waiting for water to boil or for that soufflé to puff ever so perfectly, you can get in several sets of different exercises.  For the legs and glutes, free squats and wall sits can be a great and easy way to get the blood pumping while at the stove (or microwave in my case).  For the “beach muscles” (chest and arms), a set of push-ups or simple arm circles can make a big difference in your overall health.  Weights may be added for extra resistance.  If you do not have dumbbells, then you can use two frozen water bottles instead!  Just remember to wash hands before returning to your dinner preparations if those push-ups are done on the floor!

Pull Up a Chair:

After dinner leisure time may seem like the only time that you get to relax in your day.  However, it can also be the perfect opportunity to get in a few exercises during commercials or in between chapters of your favorite book.  Grab a chair and get started!

A little bit of exercise each day can go a long way to improve your overall health for both your body and mind.  So the next time you feel like skipping the gym, go for it, and stay at home.

Looking for ideas for creating an awesome home gym? Check these out.

Header image via Fitness By The Lake


Sam Shalom
Sam Shalom

Sam is the Marketing Coordinator for Coldwell Banker Real Estate. He is Jersey born and bred, and currently resides in Roseland, NJ. He is an avid reader, loves Games of Thrones and is a New York Yankees die-hard. You can follow him on Twitter @World_Shalom

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