5 Ultra Geek Chic Items for Your Home

Let's face it. Geek is the new chic. Or at least that's what tech-focused, Star Wars loving, graphic novel reading, Syfy watching folks would want all of you to believe. Ok, it's what I want to. You have to admit that geekdom has taken over pop culture lately with super hero movies becoming critically acclaimed entertainment and ComicCon somehow entering the mainstream.

Let’s face it. Geek is the new chic. Or at least that’s what tech-focused, Star Wars loving, graphic novel reading, Syfy watching folks would want all of you to believe. Ok, it’s what I want to. You have to admit that geekdom has taken over pop culture lately with super hero movies becoming critically acclaimed entertainment and ComicCon somehow entering the mainstream.

What about at home? Xbox is no longer for gamers as it is used more for entertainment than gaming. Phones, tablets and apps can control our heat, A/C and even security systems. But today we wanted to take a look at some ultra geek chic items for your home that you won’t find in just any home.

Hmmm, what’s the one thing your morning is missing? How about a coffee pot that starts brewing when you send a tweet. Yes, that’s what my home has needed for quite some time. Come to think of it, it’s probably easier to hack your coffee pot to work through Twitter than it is to figure out how to set the auto-brew timer. For those who have yet to discover the wonder of Keurig, check out the video above on Tweet-a-pot.


Tetris Cushions


I discovered these on Etsy.com from the Star Gallery shop while perusing the site for a mother’s day gift. At $279 for the set, you will truly have to be a committed game boy (pun intended) to have these on your couch at home. Is it just me or did you always hate that square piece? Never fits anywhere…(Image courtesy of Star Gallery on Etsy)

The Burritob0t


I’m pre-ordering this today. This magical device has been built to construct the perfect burrito. Using proven scientific and chemistry tactics, the burrito bot will layer on just the right amount of flavor to create the ultimate burrito. Burritobot is also expected to come with an iPhone app that allows you to adjust they layers of goodness on your burrito to meet your specifications including levels of guacamole, salsa, sour cream, etc. No price has been determined for this yet, but can you really put a price on burrito goodness? (Image courtesy of y marko.manriquez)


Samsung Smart Window

We’ve blogged about this before, but it’s so worth talking about again. What this product does is basically project an interactive, touch-based interface onto any window and allow you to make Minority Report-esque movements on the screen to serve up tweets, videos, weather and more.

The smart window is a one way display so while you see this virtual interface, others looking in won’t see it. No word yet on pricing or when it would officially roll out to the public, but I’ll be chomping at the bit to find out more details. Check out this video demo above.


R2D2 Entertainment Center

Move over Luke Skywalker. R2D2 can live in your home and become the sickest TV projector in the galaxy. With plugins for gaming consoles, Blu Ray players, iPod, satellite and cable, this R2D2 entertainment center can project a 260″ size screen onto any wall or ceiling. I’m not sure if it can be used to hack into the Death Star, but any home with this in it is quite possibly the king of the geek chic. Sadly, this projector made by Nikko is no longer in production so you’ll have to resort to finding one on eBay.


Which of these ultra geek chic items would you most want in your home? Share your favorite or other geek items in the comments.


David Marine
David Marine

Husband. Father. Socializer. Mets Lifer. TV Aficionado. Consumer Engager. David Marine is the Senior Vice President of Marketing for Coldwell Banker where he oversees the brand’s marketing efforts and content strategy including acting as managing editor for the Coldwell Banker blog and heading up video production efforts. While SVP by day, David runs a three ring circus at night as he is the father of 4 boys. He also happens to be married to Wonder Woman. True story.

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