7 Reasons to Stay Home Instead of Going to Comic-Con

As costumed individuals descend upon the annual Comic-Con convention in San Diego, here's reason to be thankful you're staying home.

1. Who wants to deal with crowds of people?



2. Traveling can be so tiring



3. You can avoid dealing with nerds fighting to impress J.J. Abrams



4. Costumed people make you hyperventilate.



5. Besides you wanted to stay home and run some errands.



6. Plus, you’re super pumped about binge watching Battlestar Galactica…again.



7. Who needs to be at Comic-Con when you have high speed internet at home?


All gifs courtesy of Giphy.com. Header image courtesy of 24spoilers.com.

David Marine
David Marine

Husband. Father. Socializer. Mets Lifer. TV Aficionado. Consumer Engager. David Marine is the Senior Vice President of Marketing for Coldwell Banker where he oversees the brand’s marketing efforts and content strategy including acting as managing editor for the Coldwell Banker blog and heading up video production efforts. While SVP by day, David runs a three ring circus at night as he is the father of 4 boys. He also happens to be married to Wonder Woman. True story.


  1. You are so dang funny. You know part of you wishes you had a live camera feed watching all the nerdlings at ComicCon. I may have to do it once … we have an Aunt that lives right down there so it wouldn’t be too bad (wait, who am I kidding, it is probably absolute chaos). – Heather O

    1. Oh I totally want to go one of these years. I went once to the NYC version but need to make the pilgrimage to SD one of these days.

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