So you want to hire a real estate professional? Are you just going to hire someone your friend likes or should you dig a little deeper.
Diann Patton of Coldwell Banker Grass Roots Realty talks about how you should approach trying to find the right person to work with on what is most likely the single greatest purchase of your life.
David Marine
Husband. Father. Socializer. Mets Lifer. TV Aficionado. Consumer Engager.
David Marine is the Senior Vice President of Marketing for Coldwell Banker where he oversees the brand’s marketing efforts and content strategy including acting as managing editor for the Coldwell Banker blog and heading up video production efforts. While SVP by day, David runs a three ring circus at night as he is the father of 4 boys. He also happens to be married to Wonder Woman. True story.
[…] Real Estate 101: Hiring a Real Estate Professional […]
[…] Thinking about buying a home in the St. Louis/St. Charles area? Don’t know where to start? The first place to start is hiring a real estate agent to help you with one of your largest investments? This video offers some suggestions – Real Estate 101: Hiring a Real Estate Professional. […]