The Importance of Video in Real Estate

Just over two years ago, Coldwell Banker embarked on creating a channel solely for real estate video that exists on YouTube. We called it Coldwell Banker On Location and it's a place where you can search for videos of real estate listings, communities, agent videos and more. With tens of thousands of videos uploaded, over 2.5 million visits to our channel and millions of video views later, we think we made the right move.

Just over two years ago, Coldwell Banker embarked on creating a channel solely for real estate video that exists on YouTube. We called it Coldwell Banker On Location and it’s a place where you can search for videos of real estate listings, communities, agent videos and more. With tens of thousands of videos uploaded, over 2.5 million visits to our channel and millions of video views later, we think we made the right move.

We believe that video has been and will be an essential part of marketing a home and giving consumers the best information possible when they’re in the real estate shopping process. A recent infographic but together by Postling, which was featured on Mashable, made us reflect on what we have done and what we are doing in the future when it comes to video.

The infographic had an impressive statistic when it comes to how real estate customers view the importance of video (see portion below). The study showed that 73% of homeowners are more likely to list with a Realtor offering to do a video, yet only 12% of the Realtor population is doing video.

Many of our Coldwell Banker agents across the globe are already harnessing the power of video as part of their marketing platform. As a company, we know how powerful video can be and we have made a commitment to continue to build on what we’ve started.

Video is now a part of every facet of our platform. From to Coldwell Banker On Location to our recent iPad app, video is taking center stage.

You’ll see continued enhancements and improvements to what we’re doing with video over the next few months and we’ll be making sure our agents know it’s importance to consumers as well.

I want to leave you with a taste of how far video reaches within the Coldwell Banker network. Here’s a video from a Coldwell Banker listing in Sydney, Australia. Just goes to show you that video is global in reach and universally important to today’s real estate consumer. By the way, be sure to check out the black mosaic pool. It’s pretty impressive.

David Marine
David Marine

Husband. Father. Socializer. Mets Lifer. TV Aficionado. Consumer Engager. David Marine is the Senior Vice President of Marketing for Coldwell Banker where he oversees the brand’s marketing efforts and content strategy including acting as managing editor for the Coldwell Banker blog and heading up video production efforts. While SVP by day, David runs a three ring circus at night as he is the father of 4 boys. He also happens to be married to Wonder Woman. True story.


  1. Videos are essential in real estate marketing in the future. Videos, combined with social media have brought us amazing results. Not only in lifting our profile to compete with large franchises, they produce online listing leads and they help enormously with search engine optimisation. (We also now have another 4 or 5 data bases of potential buyers and sellers). FYI I have an independent real estate office in Mosman Sydney and have been using videos in our business for the last 2 years. http:/ . If you are interested in videos, I have more than 24 ways that we are using video in our real estate office. Go to there is a free report outlining my 24 ways.Cheers Lisa

    1. I agree with you 100%! The short video with a market update on Mondays is a great way to reach out to prospective buyers and sellers you met over the weekend. I have been a realtor here in Silicon Valley for the past 22 years and have never come across a more powerful tool than video. I use quick, casual videos to stay in the minds of my past, current and possible new clients. While I sometimes use a professional video team, I love the web cam video as well. Check out this short video I shot today.

  2. David – A great post to show the importance of Realtors being ahead of the wave and not trying to catch up to it. Just like the use of smart phones, the real estate community needs to be using what today's consumers are using and delivering our message the way today's consumers want to hear it.

    Video also continues to be a great driver for web site analytics of increased stick time on sites. I love the dynamic nature of YouTube On Location. It really allows today's buyers and sellers to research, play and dream at the same time which all create a better opportunity for them to engage the services of a member of the Coldwell Banker team.

  3. Most of the clients we gather now for listings are because we are one of the only ones offering video walking tours. They don't always know about CB OnLocation, but when we introduce it to them and our exposure on the channel, they are always impressed. Videos allow buyers to see the workings of the home that photos can't always offer. And it's an opportunity to add snippets of information and emotion that might not be seen or easily conveyed via text only.

  4. I am a Videographer and producer from the Pittsburgh Pennsylvania area. Three years ago I tried to introduce “Video House Tours” into the market and was laughed at. I was told “we have pictures on our Web site”. Now it is the cutting edge technology, but I am still am having difficulty selling the idea to Realtors. My videos cost $150.00 and are professionally produced. My videos take you room by room with an agent showing the house as if accompanied by a prospective client. I take the time to stage each shot working with each agent to showcase each room. I also walk around the property and pan across the neighborhood to give a total viewing experience. No shaky jerky videos with poor quality phone cameras. I use professional grade video cameras on a tripod and a wireless microphone on the agent to produce the best quality video. Instead of all the executives patting themselves on the back, why don’t they help with the cost? My videos only cost $150.00, but to make seven videos it will cost over one thousand dollars. How about actually visiting the agents an telling them how video will help sell, and show your support by helping finance a portion of the cost.

  5. Top agents have realized that adopting real estate video in their marketing/merchandising plan has allowed them a competitive advantage over their competition(other Agents). Selling homes faster as a result of a TRUE HD video walk thru tour is anecdotal though logical. Where Video shines is at a listing presentation. Almost makes the presentation a slam dunk. Other benefits are defining the agent as a premier service provider and market leader, differentiating themselves from 90% of all other agents and justifying a higher commission. With all due respect to CB, their On location youtube channel is just a place for agents to post virtual tour slide shows. Not the same. Most brokers have not realized the ROI…and even when they do they need to convince their agents…Right Jim??..Gonna take time

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