Your Home’s August Honey Do List

On your list of to dos for August: enjoy the last few weeks of summer and get ready for back to school!
We hate to say it, but we’ve just entered the last official month of summer for most of us.  That said, your home’s August Honey-Do List is full of tasks that will help you make the most of the season, and get ready for the fall (and of course, the first day of school).


7.  Throw one last pool party – Before it’s time to close up the pool, invite your friends over for one last summer bash.  These fun ideas for a sizzling summer party will make you the ultimate pool party host.


6.  Weed out summer clutter – As the season comes to an end, toss or donate summer clothing, toys and decor that doesn’t fit, is broken or goes unused.  Sorting through these items now will make sure you don’t clutter your storage spaces with unnecessary summer items.


5.  Maximize your garden – August is the month to harvest and prepare.  Harvesting herbs for drying can actually extend their growth period.  Start canning and jarring your plethora of summer vegetables to enjoy a taste of summer even during the cooler months.  Separating and planting perennials now will ensure they take root before winter.  Check out this full list of August garden to-dos.


4.  Clean windows – Ideally you should be having your windows cleaned twice a year.  For homes with second or third stories, it is best to hire a professional.  If you’re game to clean your first floor windows yourself, here is a step-by-step guide to do the job like a pro.


3.  Have your heating/furnace system serviced – Just like you should be having your A/C serviced in the spring, you should schedule your annual furnace & water heater check-up before the chilly nights of autumn set in.


2.  Clean your grill – We love throwing anything and everything on the barbie during the summer months, but before we know it, it will be time for cozy fall soups and stews.  Before covering up the grill this fall, make sure to give it a thorough cleaning with this tip–all you need is aluminum foil!


1.  Get ready for the first day of school! – Getting back into a routine can be hard for everyone in the house.  To avoid the first-day morning scramble, use these expert organizational tips for wardrobes, lunches and extra-curriculars.  If your children wear uniforms to school, be sure to order them now and try them on before the first day.


Check-in next month for your home’s September honey-do list which will tackle back-to-school and getting your home ready for the fall weather ahead.
Victoria Keichinger
Victoria Keichinger

Victoria Keichinger is the Senior Manager, Brand Marketing for Coldwell Banker Real Estate. When she's not nurturing a culture of storytelling at work, she finds herself most at home in Jersey City, NJ with her pre-school crush turned spouse. A true francophile, she loves to travel and will go anywhere there are ski slopes.


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