Home is Where the Dog Is

There's no place like home...with a dog.

Humans. We like to go into the world to do our exploring. To venture to work or school or just an outing. As we depart from our homes we leave not just the house behind, but often times much of what makes that place a home – our dogs.

Last year in the Coldwell Banker ad called, “Home Sweet Home,” we shared that feeling we all get when we’re on our way home. You know that feeling you get when you walk through the door, kick off your shoes and you can just relax because you’re home.


But what we didn’t show you is what was going on while you were gone and who was waiting for you on the other side of the door. This year, we’re taking a look at things from the view of man’s best friend who’s anxiously awaiting the arrival of their human home owners and the excitement that’s bottled up inside and bursting out as soon as you walk through the door.

No pet reacts quite like a canine when you come back home. Cats ignore you. The goldfish does the same thing it always does. Birds may chirp at you. But the pure joy and love a dog expresses when you come home is hard to replicate. Even children eventually ignore your homecomings, but not your dog.


We’ll be introducing our new commercial that celebrates home and the role that dogs play in making our home lives wonderful, but we want to be more than a company that makes good commercials.  We want to be an organization that does good things.  So we’ve created the Coldwell Banker Homes for Dogs Project.

The goal of the project is to find homes for 20,000 dogs this year by working with Adopt-A-Pet.com, the largest pet adoption network in North America.  We will be working to promote this cause on our national website at coldwellbanker.com/dogs, through our social media channels and a nationwide PR campaign.

Dogs are not people, but there’s no doubt that they’re part of the family and what makes a house a home. Take a look at our TV spot we call “Home’s Best Friend” and see how we’re using our 108 years of experience helping people find a home to now help find homes for dogs too as part of the Coldwell Banker Homes for Dogs Project.

David Marine
David Marine

Husband. Father. Socializer. Mets Lifer. TV Aficionado. Consumer Engager. David Marine is the Senior Vice President of Marketing for Coldwell Banker where he oversees the brand’s marketing efforts and content strategy including acting as managing editor for the Coldwell Banker blog and heading up video production efforts. While SVP by day, David runs a three ring circus at night as he is the father of 4 boys. He also happens to be married to Wonder Woman. True story.


  1. David your new video is near and dear to my heart….I am so happy to see this video, because I can use it to support my personal campaign….” every home needs a dog, and every dog should have a home!” ….Thank you! Anita Kruse Coldwell Banker Spring Lake

  2. Excellent idea! A home is not complete without a furry friend to complete the family!!! Rescue, Rescue, Rescue…. the best way to find that special family member who needs a family.

  3. I have had throughout my life both dogs and cats, and currently have both a cat and a dog at home now, so I am partial to neither. With that said, the statement that “Cats ignore you” is otherwise ignorant. Cats most definitely are aware of you not being home, but they express it differently than dogs. Some cats, like mine, run to the door like a dog when I get home. That is rare, yes, but there are more cats that do that then you might think. But all of the cats, I can guarantee it, are aware of you being home and don’t “ignore” their human “family”.

  4. Hope that all local Coldwell Banker Agencies in the Union County, NJ area reach out to small, local non-profit rescue groups that are in need of food, funds, fosters, fundraising partnerships.

  5. As soon as I leave the house, my Delilah runs to the window and watches me drive away. So hard to leave with her watching me. Delilah is still at the window when I return, full of excitement and kisses. The best welcome home ever! As for Smokey the cat, she could care less and continues sleeping!

  6. I love how people put”love this” yada yada coldwell bank, youngstown, Ohio….. Yes we know you want your corporate boss to see this. Lol

  7. I am a72 year old who has had dogs for most of my adult life. My most recent pet was a tuxedo Pomeranian by the name of Storm Clouds. Stormy for short. I adopted Stormy when he was 4-6 weeks old. Stormy died in my arms a 15 years while having grand mal seizures. That was 2-3 years ago. It’s taken that long to be able to get myself a new dog. I’ve been attempting to adopt a rescue dog. I am pretty well house bound and not able too much and I live on a fixed income. The dogs I have been offered, have been too expensive to buy. Can you help me? I need a small female preferably a pom or a yorkie or mixed with those genes mixed with them. Thank you for your assistance.

    1. Hi Margaret!

      Have you considered reaching out to your local AAP chapter? We think they would be a great resource to help you find what you are looking for.

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