5 Essential Items for a Backyard Camp Out

A backyard camp out is the perfect way to enjoy some fresh air & technology-free fun!

Summertime is the perfect excuse to sleep outside. If a camping trip isn’t in the cards, these fun ideas will quickly make your own backyard the place to be for an at-home camp out! Here are all the essential items you’ll need before heading out back for the night:

There’s no such thing as a camp out without them! If you don’t have a fire pit in your yard, you can actually grill s’mores in just a few easy steps! Assemble the s’mores, wrap them in foil, and put them over low heat. In just a few minutes you have a delicious, gooey s’more ready to eat – and cleanup is a breeze!

Image via Kraft

Half the fun of camping in the backyard is getting to sleep in a tent! This one sleeps 4 and can be found at Walmart in a variety of fun colors.

Ozark Trail 4-Person Instant Dome Tent
Image via Walmart.com

Whether you use them as an accessory to a ghost storytelling session, or to light your way to the back door when, um, nature calls, a flashlight is an absolute must-have for any backyard camp out.

Utilitech 500-Lumen LED Handheld Battery Flashlight
Via Lowes.com

Sleeping Bags
When I was younger, I used to beg my parents to let me sleep in my sleeping bag on random nights. For some reason it symbolized a special occasion to me. These adorable kids’ sleeping bags from LL Bean will ensure your little ones are tucked in for a good night’s sleep!


One of the perks of camping outdoors is the lack of access to television or computers! It’s a great opportunity for your kids to get away from the screens for an evening and have some good old fashioned fun.  This glow in the dark bocce set will keep them entertained for hours!


Image via Amazon
Image via Amazon

What are some of your other backyard camp out essentials? Comment below & let us know!


Robert Ochoa

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