I know what some of you are thinking, “this woman is crazy, the words low maintenance and gardening go together like orange juice and toothpaste (not well)!” I have tried this before and wasted my money. I am not home enough and simply do not have the time to pay attention to a garden. Excuses Excuses, this time is different. Don’t miss out on the benefits of gardening! Check out these tips and give it another go.
Face the Facts: There’s Good News & Bad News
Bad News: Maintaining a beautiful garden often takes hard work. From planning, to planting, to proper maintenance, gardens require one of the most valuable things you have…your time.
Good News: Well thought planning prior to planting can save both time and money and we have the tips to do it!
Do Your Homework
The first step to planning a garden is deciding how you plan to use it. Will you be growing your own vegetables (there is nothing like fresh basil, YUM) or do you simply want a flower garden that will add beauty to your yard? Keep in mind those who will be sharing in the beauty of your garden. Do you have kids or pets that may affect the area where your garden will grow?
After you decide what function your garden will serve it is important to study your yard prior to planting. Note the health of your yard, where do current plants thrive? Do certain areas receive more sunlight than others? Are there any weeds? Is there a place where water accumulates?
Once you assess the current status of your yard, jot down some notes and head to the store to seek professional advice on which low maintenance plants fit the following criteria:
- Thrives in soil, sun and your climate
- Looks good for more than one season
- Perennial (A plant that has a life cycle that lasts more than two years)
- Will not outgrow the space you plant it into
Keep in mind that native plants grow on their own and don’t require a lot of attention.
Make Smart Choices
Here are ten perennial plants that blogger Marie Ianotti from About.com Gardening suggests as smart choices for a low maintenance garden:
- Blazing Star: Blooms: Mid-summer through fall Colors: Purples or white
- Coneflowers: Blooms: Summer Colors: Purple, white, orange, yellow, pink & red
- Coral Bells: Blooms: Late spring / Early summer, but grown for its foliage. Colors: White, pink or red
- Foam Flower: Blooms: Late spring / Early summer Colors: White or pink
- Globe Thistle: Blooms: Early summer to Early Fall Colors: Blue or white
- Hosta: Blooms: Generally mid-Summer Colors: Purples or white
- Peony: Blooms: Late spring / Early summer Colors: Pinks, white, reds or yellow
- Russian Sage: Blooms: Mid-summer to Fall Colors: Blue
- Sea Thrift: Blooms: Spring to Early summer Colors: Pink, rose, lilac, red or white
- Siberian Iris Blooms: Late spring Colors: Blues, purples or white

Consider Container Gardening
A great solution for a “wannabe green thumb” that doesn’t have hours to spend on their garden is opting to use the container gardening method. Let your creative juices flow when selecting your container and think beyond planter boxes and hanging baskets. Some of the most beautiful container gardens are grown out of household items that you may look at as junk. A popular, “out of the box”, solution is growing a garden out of the basket of an old bicycle. Other fun ideas include cowboy boots, wheel barrows, bird feeders, dresser drawers and rain barrels.
One benefit of container gardening is that you don’t even need a yard. Decks, windows, balconies and front porches can all be used as a starting point for your garden. For more information on container gardening check out “What is container gardening?” by TLC.
Avoid Common Garden Mistakes
Check out our blog post on avoiding common garden mistakes on tips. This post is packed with goodies and secrets that will guide you through common mistakes that may have tripped you up in the past.
Stick With It
Commit to giving your garden the TLC that it needs and deserves. Be patient and give your garden time to grow before giving up on it. If you see your garden going downhill don’t give up! Seek the help of fellow gardeners in your neighborhood, local nursery or go online and reach out to the garden community. Share your passion for your garden with a family member or neighbor. Hobbies that are shared with loved ones are always more enjoyable. The reward of a beautiful garden is well worth the work you put into it.
Good luck and happy planting! Enjoy the extra time you will have after planting your low maintenance garden!
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These are some great garden planning ideas, these are always the most exciting and creative projects for new homeowners. Remember, your new yard is is a blank palette, it can be whatever you want it to be this spring.