9 Superfluously Awesome Items for Your Home

There are things you absolutely have to have in your home like a refrigerator, a table, an Xbox, lights, etc. Then there are the things that aren't necessarily to your everyday living, but they sure do make your home more enjoyable or worthy of showing off.

There are things you absolutely have to have in your home like a refrigerator, a table, an Xbox, lights, etc. Then there are the things that aren’t necessarily to your everyday living, but they sure do make your home more enjoyable or worthy of showing off.

Every homeowner wants to have those unique touches that make their home special and different from the next. My wife loves her kitchen gadgets and touches of Victorian decor, but what about the things that no one could even dream about having in their home because they’re just so unbelievably awesome?

Well, that’s the kind of list I wanted to put together. Here are 5 items that can turn your best friends into jealous gazers as they lust after these one of a kind items.

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David Marine
David Marine

Husband. Father. Socializer. Mets Lifer. TV Aficionado. Consumer Engager. David Marine is the Senior Vice President of Marketing for Coldwell Banker where he oversees the brand’s marketing efforts and content strategy including acting as managing editor for the Coldwell Banker blog and heading up video production efforts. While SVP by day, David runs a three ring circus at night as he is the father of 4 boys. He also happens to be married to Wonder Woman. True story.


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