Art + Computer + Wall Hanging = Electronic Objects

A computer that hangs on your wall and delivers art from the Internet.

Across the far reaches of the Internet you can come across some amazing pieces of art, but getting it on the walls of your home is another story all together. That’s where Electronic Objects comes in.

It’s a computer with a stunning HD screen that is meant to hang on your wall and deliver pieces of art to your home’s wall. I would love to explain it detail, but you really have to see it to believe it. The best line in the video is when they talk about how all this art on the Internet is trapped on devices “meant for distraction.” Electronic Objects built a device void of distractions so you can just enjoy the art.

Electronic Objects is currently gathering funding on Kickstarter, but the video below gives you the best look at how incredible this product really is. Take a look.

Victoria Keichinger
Victoria Keichinger

Victoria Keichinger is the Senior Manager, Brand Marketing for Coldwell Banker Real Estate. When she's not nurturing a culture of storytelling at work, she finds herself most at home in Jersey City, NJ with her pre-school crush turned spouse. A true francophile, she loves to travel and will go anywhere there are ski slopes.


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