Articles by bluematter
Homeowners Define Communities
What a summer it has been – especially the last month or so. An earthquake, unbearable heat, Hurricane Irene, squabbling in Washington, D.C., but...
Consumer Confidence is Driving the Bus
It’s all about consumer confidence. If you didn’t think that American nerves are rattled by the recession, continued high unemployment figures...
The Facts and Stats on the Value of a Real Estate...
I just read an article that made me laugh. I have been in real estate for 36 years the CEO of Coldwell Banker since 2004 and I have seen my share of...
Former Beach Boy Brian Wilson’s Home for Sale
Does anyone love the Beach Boys as much as I do? I spent many years listening to their music, dancing with my first boyfriend to “Little Surfer...
Something is Happening in Detroit Region
Hope everyone had a great Fourth of July! And to my friends in Canada, I hope you enjoyed Canada Day with William and Kate! I spent the long...