Articles by Sam Shalom

6 Tips for Summer Lawn Care

Don’t you hate it when the grass is greener at your next door neighbor’s place? Follow these tips to manifest the lawn of your life.

7 Easy Landscape Ideas for a New Home

You've closed on your new home, unpacked your belongings and breathed a sigh of relief. Now it's time to look outside and turn your attention to the...

6 Decorative Ways a Concrete Driveway Can Boost...

The spring and summer months are a great time to add more curb appeal to your home, starting with the first thing people see when they approach your...

5 Home Features That Could Impact Your Insurance...

Take these upgrades that commonly impact rates into consideration, and you may start writing smaller checks.

7 Minimalist Wedding Registry Ideas for Couples...

Getting married is exciting, but if you and your partner move often, furnishing a house and stocking up on home essentials before walking down the...

5 Marketing Tactics to Reach New Community Members

Use these simple ideas to reach more community members, driving clients and boosting your business. You don’t have to spend a lot to do a lot, so...