Coldwell Banker Global Luxury
Book a One Way Ticket to these 14 Vacation...
These homes in some of the world's top vacation destinations are so alluring, we suggest only booking a one way ticket. You know, just in case.
Summer Fridays: Wimbledon Worthy Tennis Courts
Playing tennis is a great summer activity to make up for all those extra cheeseburgers you've been eating. Here are some beautiful tennis courts...
2020 Olympic Games: 10 Homes with Built-in...
With new events like surfing, karate and climbing being added to the 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo, these homes would be the perfect spot to...
5 Beautiful Brazilian Properties That Win the...
As hundreds of athletes gather in Rio to showcase their heart and skill, we're bringing home to them with these 5 beautiful Brazilian properties that...
7 Tree Houses Your Inner Child Will Want to Move...
It's the place where children reign over their backyard kingdom, where rules like "No Boys Allowed" apply to all little brothers, and where memories...