Location, Location, Location. Millennial Home...

Millennials are moving into the current housing market and changing the home buying trends.

What Should I Ask My Real Estate Agent When...

Buying a home comes with many questions. Find out what questions to ask your real estate agent at the beginning of your home search.

Read This Before Making an Offer on a House

Buying a home can raise some emotional concerns. Before you make an offer on the house, here are 5 things you must remind yourself.

What Millennial Home Buyers Are Looking For in...

If you're considering putting your home on the market, there are several ways you can make your home more attractive to this next generation of home...

Can You Buy a Home With No Down Payment?

Many people meet some aspects of the lending criteria, but lack the cash for down payment. How can you buy a house without giving 20% of the asking...

Are You Ready to Buy a Home?

Should I buy a home? Or should I rent? Read on to find out if you are ready for homeownership.