Home Improvement
Welcome Home, Amy Van Dyken-Rouen!
Don't miss this Olympic episode of George to the Rescue.
Welcome Home, Urquiza Family!
George to the Rescue arrives to deliver on the Urquiza family's wish for a proper dining table.
Welcome Home, Mrs. Klein!
"Home is the place where you feel most peaceful." George to the Rescue gives the Klein family of Floral Park, NY peace of mind in the form of a...
Welcome Home: The Leggios’ New Kitchen
George to the Rescue cooks up a modern, functional kitchen for "Kitchen MacGyver" Arlene Leggio. Welcome Home, Leggio family!
Welcome Home: McIntyre Family
In desperate need of a home repair, the McIntyre family gets a big surprise when George to the Rescue arrives at their front door!
Welcome Home: Dicola Family Dream House
George to the Rescue transforms the Dicola family's house into a dream home.