Home Improvement
How to Waterproof Your Home
Protect your home from water damage in three steps
A Special Space at Home for a Single Dad
As proud partners of NBC's George to the Rescue, we couldn't help but share this heart-wrenching, tear-jerking special Father's Day segment which was...
Welcome to the House that Herman Built
Watch the most emotional episode of this season's George to the Rescue as the team finishes the work that a dedicated father started for his family.
An Attic Transformation on George to the Rescue
In this episode of George to the Rescue, see how George Oliphant transforms the attic of the Nazario family's home into a safe multipurpose space.
Making the Rebimbas Home Wheelchair Accessible
George Oliphant coming to the Rebimbas family's rescue means so much more than a home renovation, it means independence for their eldest son, Brian.
This Home Renovation Makes a Growing...
On this episode of NBC's George to the Rescue, a well-deserving couple gets a home renovation that allows them to start thinking of raising a family.