The Coldwell Banker Way of Advertising

National advertising campaigns that have scored highest in effectiveness for the real estate category five years running and innovative media...

The Power of Social Media in Real Estate

Did you know that Coldwell Banker is the #1 most influential real estate brand on social media according to Klout?

Blue is Big

Blue is big. From the big blue sky to the deep blue sea, the world's number one favorite color is everywhere you look.

The Making of ‘Somebody to Love’

A behind the scenes look at how we crafted our latest commercial, 'Somebody to Love' - a story about home, love and companionship.

Could Your Home Virtually Sell Itself?

Could a virtual reality broker's open get your home maximized exposure with even less inconvenience?

It’s a Good Thing These Scaredy Cats Have 9...

This hilarious spot is just another example of why cats and dogs have so much trouble getting along!