Coldwell Banker Perfectly Positioned to Win the Real Estate Game

Ingenuity plus network plus powerful brand reputation sets us up to lead for the long-term

Charlie Young, Coldwell Banker president and CEO, spoke with Patrick Kearns of Inman to discuss why Coldwell Banker is in the leader’s spot when it comes to the future of real estate.

The full article covers why Coldwell Banker has the upper hand when it comes to the competitive landscape, real estate tech and brand.

Here are a few key takeaways.

On why Coldwell Banker is in the leader’s spot:
“We have size and scale and quality that others can’t match… we’ve developed a toolset for our agents and for consumers that solves real problems and moves the needle…. Our brand is a great differentiator. It has been in the premium position in real estate for many, many years… You can’t buy the brand reputation and presence Coldwell Banker has with agents and consumers.”

On ingenuity in action – the CBx Tech Suite:
“Coldwell Bankers’ CBx technology suite has been live and in the market for over four years. In that timeframe, we have given our agents and the consumers they serve an advantage in the marketplace. Nobody is even playing in this space yet…. Compare that to Keller Williams. Keller Williams, said, “we’re a tech company.” I would never claim we’re a tech company. We’re a real estate company that applies technology to help solve problems for agents and consumers.”

On the competitive landscape:
“We’re a highly profitable organization, and we are doing well in the marketplace. We’re focused on the value proposition and driving innovative change that’s going to impact the lives of the consumers we serve and the agents we serve…. Market-to-market, Coldwell Banker companies are the leaders in their marketplaces. It puts us in an absolutely great position.”

On Project North Star and the core values that define the Coldwell Banker brand:
“I would put our brand up against anyone, as it relates to innovation and driving change in today’s marketplace. Ingenuity and excellence are two of our four core values that are driving the rebrand. The rebrand is about putting a spotlight on how Coldwell Banker is actually leading through this period of change…. We’re very proud of it and we’re excited about it.”

To find out more about how Coldwell Banker can be the place that supports you and your business, visit Coldwell

Athena Snow
Athena Snow

Senior Manager, Public Relations for Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Grew up in south Florida as an avid Seminole fan and attended college in the mountains of North Carolina. Athena wanted to wake up in that city that doesn’t sleep so headed to Madison Avenue to start her marketing career. Athena has worked for Coldwell Banker for 15 years where she can be found generating buzz about this awesome brand in every way possible. On any given day, she can be found crunching numbers to searching for amazing Coldwell Banker properties to serve up to the media for features. In her spare time, you can find her either digging up a new area in her yard for another flower bed or scouring Etsy for that next amazing handcrafted gem. She resides with the Bukowski of our generation (AKA her husband) and her cat (Jolene) in Atlanta, Ga.

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