The Home of Frank Underwood from the Netflix Series House of Cards

The unexpected belle of the ball at the Emmy's this year is the surprise hit, House of Cards, from everyone's favorite digital movie source, Netflix. House of Cards is the first Internet-only TV show to be nominated for an Emmy and they were nominated for an astounding 9 Emmy's including Best Actor for Kevin Spacey, Best Actress for Robin Wright and Best Drama.

The unexpected belle of the ball at the Emmy’s this year is the surprise hit, House of Cardsfrom everyone’s favorite digital movie source, Netflix. House of Cards is the first Internet-only TV show to be nominated for an Emmy and they were nominated for an astounding 9 Emmy’s including Best Actor for Kevin Spacey, Best Actress for Robin Wright and Best Drama.

Not only does House of Cards have a real estate connotation in its title, but it’s got nods to our favorite topic of home throughout the show’s inaugural season. The central character, Frank Underwood, played by Kevin Spacey, is a member of the House of Representatives coming from Gaffney, South Carolina known particularly for its landmark peach tower which looks like a giant rear-end as you pass it on the highway. Believe me, it’s true. I’ve passed it dozens of times. Before I digress further we thought it was worth taking a closer look at the Underwood home as it is one of the more interesting residences on you’ll find among the 2013 Emmy Nominated shows.

Trying to find details on the home of Frank and Claire Underwood is quite a daunting task as there aren’t many details about the central setting for the main characters. What I did find out is the exterior of the home is an actual residence in Baltimore, Maryland at 1609 Park Ave. In fact most of House of Cards is shot on location in Maryland. The Underwood home is a modest sized brownstone townhouse, but it’s very well decorated with high end art and decor throughout. The interior scenes are actually shot in a Baltimore warehouse that has been renovated to look like the pristine home of the Underwoods that you see on the show.


The Underwood home is estimated to have 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths, plus a full size basement that can be refinished. Congressman Underwood currently uses the basement to let off steam after a hard day of manipulation and backstabbing on Capitol Hill with some late night Call of Duty. That is until his wife buys him the rowing machine to make sure he stays in shape.

My favorite room in the Underwood home is the kitchen. It’s not fancy. If you’ll notice the kitchen cabinets are hardly high end, but they do have a pretty sweet fridge and a nice center island which is perfect for late night snacking and plotting your rise to the White House. Of course the Underwoods have their most intimate moments at what I call the “smoking window” where the driven, power couple of Washington D.C. often spend evenings discuss their next moves while inhaling their daily dose of nicotine. Not sure why Mrs. Underwood didn’t just buy Frank a nicotine patch instead of the rowing machine to help him get healthier, but that’s a whole separate matter.

You can explore the home of Francis “Frank” Underwood and his lovely wife Claire with your monthly subscription to Netflix as that’s currently the only place you can see it. Although you might just see it take home an Emmy September 22nd on CBS where you’ll also be able to catch the Coldwell Banker TV spot called “We Believe.”

David Marine
David Marine

Husband. Father. Socializer. Mets Lifer. TV Aficionado. Consumer Engager. David Marine is the Senior Vice President of Marketing for Coldwell Banker where he oversees the brand’s marketing efforts and content strategy including acting as managing editor for the Coldwell Banker blog and heading up video production efforts. While SVP by day, David runs a three ring circus at night as he is the father of 4 boys. He also happens to be married to Wonder Woman. True story.


  1. What other real estate vocab can you use to describe this home? What period is this style usually ascribed as being from?

  2. Frank eventually had a few discussions with Zoe , before meeting with her in a subway station. After having her erase their digital history together, she began to question and probe the death of Peter Russo . With her becoming too close to discovering his scheme, Frank threw her in front of an oncoming train, killing her.

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