Where did the summer go? Hopefully yours was more relaxing than mine. Most of my time was spent on the road in congested airports and packed planes as I visited many, many great Coldwell Banker companies. I can attest that if you looked only at airport useage our economy must be well on its way to improving.
I know many of those travelers brought along books that were listed on those summer “must” reads lists. And since we have one more weekend to “unofficially” enjoy summer, I wanted to add another “must” read for those interested in home ownership. It’s a recent New York Times op-ed by Karl Case, a professor emeritus of economics at Wellesley and co-creator of Standard & Poor’s Case-Shiller housing index.
He explains in simple-to-understand language what happened in housing and why the American Dream of Homeownership is not dead and is poised for nice, steady long-term growth.
Enjoy the article as you sit back and hopefully relax this weekend. Have a great Labor Day Weekend!