I think it’s safe to say every homeowner remembers their first Halloween at their home.Having Trick or Treaters is like a home ownership rite of passage. After having a self debate in the candy aisle about how many Trick or Treaters will actually come and how much of the candy you will end up sneaking before the 31st, the next most important decision is what sweet treat to actually give out. There are SO many decisions and believe me kids remember which houses give out the best candy on the block. I always remembered to stop by the house that handed out movie sized boxes…I may have even stopped by that house twice one Halloween. So don’t be the house that gives out pencils or tooth brushes because your Trick or Treaters will walk away looking like our friend here:

In order to be the coolest house on the block we thought it would be fun to have you tell us what the ultimate Halloween candy is. We polled our office and these are the top 16 suggestions which we’ve ranked in the bracket above. Please stop back each week to vote for your favorite in each round of the candy face offs. We will announce the winning choice Monday, October 26th, just in time for you to stock up on the people’s choice. Cast your vote below in the first round of our Halloween Candy Royale:
Which soundtrack is more awesome?
- Welcome Home (46%, 155 Votes)
- The House We Call Home (28%, 93 Votes)
- No Place I'd Rather Be (26%, 86 Votes)
Total Voters: 334

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Image of disappointed trick or treater courtesy of squidoo.com
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No surprise here. Seven out of the top ten candy bars are a combination of peanuts and chocolate. Snickers rule!
Snickers was a top pick for me as well! Thanks for stopping by. Check back next week to see the final 8!
That was fun. But, you made hungry for a Butterfinger 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Mike!
[…] case you missed round one, we thought it would be fun to poll our readers to find out what the ultimate Halloween candy is. […]
[…] Our confectionery competition has reached the final round and on Monday we will announce which Halloween candy reigns supreme as the people’s choice! In case you are just joining us, catch up on the story behind this candy battle by clicking here. […]
[…] For those celebrating Halloween tomorrow we have the final results for the Home Sweet Home Halloween Candy Battle! In case you are just joining us, catch up on the story behind this candy battle by clicking here. […]