Stuff You Need to do for Your Home in September
September. The month where summer ends and fall begins...unless you live in San Diego. Then it's just summer all year. But for most of us as the...
Luxury Homes for Fall Harvest
The Eastern United States is beloved for its changing autumn foliage. As the temperatures cool and leaves change from green to yellow, orange and...
I Want a Gutter Cleaning Robot
I love the fall season, but I also hate it. Raking leaves, seeding your lawn and worst of all cleaning your gutters are all regular occurrences. I...
You Really Don’t Know How to Rake Leaves
If you live in a place that actually experiences autumn (not you Southern California) then you're probably seeing some foliage covering your lawn a...
How to Turn Autumn Leaves into Home Decor
Saturday was the first official day of fall according to the calendar although many of us feel like fall comes even sooner with the advent of school...
Labor Day: A Transitional Time of Year at Home
Happy Labor Day everyone. It's the greatest oxymoron of holidays. Most of us will take the day off on a day celebrating workers of the past and...