Take a 360 Tour of the CNET Smart Home

Want a room-by-room look at the technology inside CNET's living lab for the connected home? Take a look at America's most connected home in immersive...

The Best & Brightest Lighting Ideas for Your...

Follow these smart home tips to get the most bang for your bulb.

5 Ways to Make Mornings Easier with Iris by...

Iris from Lowe's will not only help you start your day on the right foot, it'll make your home smarter and much more efficient.

Get Your Laundry Done in Half the Time with this...

Why the LG SIGNATURE TWIN Wash System is one of the smartest appliances on the market.

The Perfect Refrigerator for a Jedi: LG’s...

"The Force" is strong with this one.

How Can Light Bulbs Make A Home Smarter?

Lights. Camera. Music?