Two Coldwell Banker Homes for Sale Inspired by...
There are few architects as well known inAmericaas Frank Lloyd Wright, and “wrightfully” so! (Pun intended). Having designed structures like...
If Al Gore and Gizmodo Built a House
If Al Gore and Gizmodo built a house, it would look a lot like a unique exhibit on display at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry. In fact,...
The Home Alone Home – I’m 6 Years Old All...
At the risk of sounding like a movie nerd, I watch a LOT of movies…probably more than I care to admit without otherwise writing under an assumed...
Best Sports Cities in America
If the forces of nature allowed me to choose a town based on solely on its sports rankings, my life would be filled with hot dog eating, three point...
LeBron James, Where Will You Live?
As you know I usually write about sports and real estate which are both my passions. Today both converge with LeBron James announcing his...
Places Where St. Patrick’s Day is More than...
What do Chicago, Boston and Savannah all have in common? They may be unique in their culture and history – but in March, they are also known as...