coldwell banker
The 2016 Smart Home Holiday Gift Guide
We’ve laid out a comprehensive smart home gift guide for this year’s holiday season and everyone who will be gathered in your home.
Green Remodeling Projects With Major Aesthetic...
These green home renovations have big design potential!
October Home Sales Jump
Home sales gain speed in October signaling positive economic growth.
Smart Home Tech We’re Thankful For
The holiday season gives us plenty of reasons to reflect on the people and things we cherish the most, including our favorite smart home gadgets.
These Are America’s Smart Home Savvy Cities
According to Yonomi, these cities generated the most buzz on their app, which integrates multiple smart home products on one platform.
What Agents Want You to Know About Smart Homes
At last week’s Gen Blue conference, Coldwell Banker agents Danny Hertzberg and Angel Piontek took the mainstage to tell us what we need to know...