Slideshow: Unique Energy Efficient Homes

One of the biggest trends to hit society has been energy conservancy or as the young people say, “going green.” While in the beginning the idea...

Conserving Energy, One Appliance at a Time

Appliances account for nearly 13 percent of a household’s energy costs, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, with refrigeration, cooking and...

How to Keep Your Bills Low This Winter

Learning to use utility resources sparingly to keep bills low can take time and practice. While homeowners are still figuring out how much heat and...

How to Lower Your Home Energy Bill By Changing...

As a homeowner, I'm well aware of my energy costs, especially as the colder months approach. I've replaced windows, sealed doors and made investment...

Slash Home Energy Costs This Summer

Many first-time homeowners come up with a budget after buying a home to ease into the costs of utilities, maintenance and other property-related...

Why Energy-Efficient Home Improvements Might...

Just in time for Earth Day which happens to be this Sunday, April 22! We recently began an exciting blog partnership with Allstate Insurance. Check...