5 Perfect Rooms to Curl Up in this Fall

Here are some other incredible "Fireplace Rooms," that we collected from our Pinterest page to showcase. Grab a cup of hot cider and enjoy!

The Next TV in Your Home Will Not Be Smart But a...

Smart TVs have been talked about for years. Two years ago I was at the Consumer Electronics Show where it was the latest and greatest home...

Rule Your Family Room With a Magic Wand

Everyone wants to be king of their castle, but wouldn't it be a lot cooler if you were the wizard? You know I'm right. While you may call out...

The One Step to Fix Most Problems with Your Home...

One of the worst things to deal with is having to call the cable company or your TV service provider. It's painful. And the time we do have to call...

3 Simple Tips for Choosing the Right Size TV for...

We all want a big TV. The bigger, the better if you ask me. But sometimes the room we are going to put the TV in just doesn't accommodate for the...

Here’s to Family Rooms

Okay, I’ll admit it. I loved being a couch potato as a kid. Sure, I was as active as the next kid but I looked forward to summer days, Saturday...