Ditch the Sprinkler with These Water-Efficient...

From efficient plants to water-smart landscaping, your lawn can certainly do its part to improve water efficiency.

8 Vegetables to Grow in Your Garden this Spring

Grab your gardening gear. Here is a round up list of the easiest–and most practical–vegetables to grow in your garden.

Container Gardening Upgrades for a Fresh Spring

While prepping for gardening this spring, go through some of your old pots and containers.

Garden Ideas That Can Sell a House

Find out which garden ideas can increase your home's value. Know what garden and landscape upgrades can be done on your own and which may necessitate...

Organic Pest Control

Learn how to keep pests like insects, rodents, and birds out of your growing garden. Know which deterrents to choose in a variety of situations. Find...

7 Tips for Living a Greener Lifestyle in Miami...

Being more sustainable is all about creating long-term practices that are better and healthier for individuals, societies and the planet as a whole.