going green
How to Get Rid of Junk Mail
In this week's installment of "Going Green," we decided to share a few tips that can help alleviate a cluttered mailbox and side table, because let's...
Why the Faucet in Your Home is Better Than...
We support making the healthy choice of choosing water over other artificial thirst quenchers but there are so many great alternatives to choosing...
How to Reduce Your Water Footprint
Here are some great tips that will hopefully give you more ideas on how to integrate water-saving techiques into your family's routine.
The Most Efficient Ways to Keep Your Home Cool
When it isn't raining, it is scorching hot outside--ridiculous, we know! This summer, while it may be easy and cost free to keep our bodies cool,...
Is Your Home the Latest Victim of Phantom Energy?
Majority of homes are the victim of phantom energy. Phantom energy, if unaware of it, can increase your electrical bill by at least 10 percent.