Cool Homes Made from Shipping Containers

This post is dedicated to highlighting some of the coolest shipping container homes we could find.

Apps That Make Going Green Fun

By now many of us have eagerly (or not so eagerly) joined the “green” bandwagon. If you are like me then you’ve made changes to...

Why the Faucet in Your Home is Better Than...

We support making the healthy choice of choosing water over other artificial thirst quenchers but there are so many great alternatives to choosing...

The Most Efficient Ways to Keep Your Home Cool

When it isn't raining, it is scorching hot outside--ridiculous, we know! This summer, while it may be easy and cost free to keep our bodies cool,...

Slideshow: Unique Energy Efficient Homes

One of the biggest trends to hit society has been energy conservancy or as the young people say, “going green.” While in the beginning the idea...

Why Energy-Efficient Home Improvements Might...

Just in time for Earth Day which happens to be this Sunday, April 22! We recently began an exciting blog partnership with Allstate Insurance. Check...