6 New Countertop Ideas That Aren’t Granite

Not a fan of granite countertops? Here are 6 beautiful alternatives.

A New Twist on Halloween Decorating

Switch up your Halloween scenery this year. Don't buy new decorations for every holiday -- turn your Christmas lights into spooky Halloween decor.

Small Upgrades That Go a Long Way

When it comes to making home upgrades, it's important that sellers remember to go for simple, clean improvements that make homes look more modern and...

DIY: Decorating Your Home With Photos

Decorating with photos is an awesome way to spice up your home in a really dramatic way without spending a whole lot of money. Don't worry if you...

Home Feeling Cramped? Look Up!

Storage can be beautiful! Take a look at these decorative ideas that will free up living space.

Ideas to Make Your Home Feel More Spacious

Space-saving furniture and visual tricks can open up and add function to your compact home.