Living Room Revolution: LG’s “Modern Family...

On August 3, LG brought the living room revolution to life with its “Modern Family Portraits” event, which included a panel discussion that...

Live From CES: Alarm.com Changing The Smart Home...

Get ready for the ultimate hello and goodbye with Alarm.com

A Smart Look at Home Innovation – The...

Coldwell Banker panel session at REAL Trends Gathering of Eagles reveals the promise of the smart home.

A Smart Look at Home Innovation with CNET and LG...

Coldwell Banker talks with CNET and LG about trends in home automation and the future of the smart home.

A Smart Home Technology for Outside the Home: The...

This innovative product takes backyard basketball to a whole new level.

25 Smart Home Technologies that Matter Most to...

Nearly 60 percent of the real estate agents polled said they are seeing more smart home features in listing descriptions than they did two to five...