Step Inside Joc Pederson’s Southern...

Leading off Home Field Advantage 2016 is star center fielder for the L.A. Dodgers, Joc Pederson.

Avoid Rainy Day Blues During an Open House

Learn how to cope when rain or gloomy weather threatens to dampen your open house event. Find out how to convince buyers that purchasing your home...

Host an Open House Dinner Party

Learn how hosting a dinner party for potential buyers can increase the possibility of a quick and easy sale. Find out how home owners can sell their...

How to Sell a House With Bad Neighbors

Learn how to increase the odds of a full market value home sale when you live next to messy neighbors who threaten to bring down your property's...

For a Quick Sale, Use Social Media to Sell a House

Find out how to use social media to increase the chances of a quick sale of a home. Learn how to utilize common features on popular social media...