How to Decode the Confusing Aspects of a...

Take the guesswork out of some of the most confusing aspects of your homeowners policy.

Green Remodeling Projects With Major Aesthetic...

These green home renovations have big design potential!

6 New Homeowner Mistakes You Must Avoid

These tips will help you to avoid major mistakes before you sign any papers.

Home Tip of the Day: An Easy Way to Fix Your...

Fix that bad cable feed in just a few short minutes.

Basic Remodeling Ground Rules

There are several different types of remodels an owner may choose to take on, from focusing on redoing a kitchen to building a deck or patio onto...

Infographic: Homeowners Want More Color

This week was National Painting Week. Like most painting projects, I put this off until the last possible day so sorry if this is your tardy reminder...