Kid Friendly Work Spaces

These cool work spaces will have your kids excited to do homework!

Is This the Cutest Backyard Party Idea Ever?

An easy, super creative and absolutely adorable DIY kid's party idea. Don't forget the popcorn!

How the Tooth Fairy Gets Into Your Home

At Coldwell Banker, we believe in the power of home and all the magical things that come with it...including the Tooth Fairy.

Stardom Starts at Home for These Cutie Pies

The release of our brand new commercial 'Home Sweet Home' has us at Coldwell Banker thinking about all things music and home! Get a look at this...

10 Creative Gifts for the Kid in Your Home

This list solely highlights gifts that promote good ol' fashion fun, fun that won't have kids bogged down and glued to the T.V. or handheld device.

3 Year Old Shares 3 Last Minute Christmas Tips...

Right now the Internet is bombarded with tips to make your Christmas more enjoyable. Tips on gifts. Tips on what to cook. Tips on how to survive...