Busy Street or Cul-de-sac: Your Corner of the...

While typically considered to be a "dead-end street," living in a cul-de-sac can open up avenues to communal living, safety, and even monetary...

We’re Going Places: Gen Blue 2017 Vegas...

Cirque du Soleil or world heavyweight championship bouts have nothing on Gen Blue.

How to Make the Choice Between Two Homes

Torn between two houses? This advice may help.

Walls Can Talk at coldwellbanker.com

Whether you're looking to buy, are ready to sell, or are ready to connect with a real estate agent, find out why the new coldwellbanker.com is the...

How to Know if a Neighborhood is Right for You

Before you buy a home and make what's likely to be one of the biggest investments of your life, you owe it to yourself to get good information on...

Neighborhood Features to Examine Before Buying a...

Location, Location, Location! An obvious and important aspect of buying a home is looking at the home itself, but another, and sometimes forgotten,...