How to Sell a House That Still Has a Mortgage...

What happens to your mortgage when you sell your home?

Tax Breaks for First Time Home Buyers

What exactly is tax deductible when buying a house for the first time?

3 Things I Wish Someone Told Me as a First Time...

Wondering if it may be time to buy your first home? Take a look at this before you get started.

How Much Is Mortgage Insurance and How Long Do I...

Learn how mortgage insurance works and the options you have.

What Types of Loans Should I Know About When...

What's the difference between a fixed-rate and adjustable-rate loan? What about jumbo?

Renting vs. Owning: An Introduction

With the economy returning back to pre-2008 levels, the conversation of renting vs. owning homes has returned to the forefront. A lot of families who...