Coldwell Banker Previews International Turns 80!

In July of 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt had recently completed his first 100 days in office, King Kong had recently been released in theaters and...

Home of the Week: Country Living in Tuscany

Have you ever dreamt of escaping the hustle and bustle of your busy routine by moving to a countryside villa in a foreign country? If you haven't had...

Home of the Week: A French Manor Estate in...

Listed for $7.7 million, our newest 'Home of the Week' looks like it could have been used as a location in the recent 'Pride & Prejudice' movie....

Home of the Week: A Lakefront Estate in Rubicon...

Designed in 1939 by world renowned architect Julie Morgan of Heart Castle fame; our newest 'Home of the Week' is a true marvel to behold.

Home of the Week: Pacific Ocean Views in Cabo San...

In our newest video edition of our 'Home of the Week' series, we grab our passports and head down south to look at one of Mexico's truly finest homes.

Home of the Week: A White House in San Francisco

Our newest Home of the Week looks a whole lot like a certain white house in Washington, D.C.