The Coldwell Banker Way of Advertising

National advertising campaigns that have scored highest in effectiveness for the real estate category five years running and innovative media...

The Power of Social Media in Real Estate

Did you know that Coldwell Banker is the #1 most influential real estate brand on social media according to Klout?

Who Cares if a Real Estate Brand is Influential...

One real estate brand knows more about engaging buyers on social than anyone else.

For a Quick Sale, Use Social Media to Sell a House

Find out how to use social media to increase the chances of a quick sale of a home. Learn how to utilize common features on popular social media...

How to Use Social Media to Sell Homes in a Global...

Digital marketing has become an important component of advertising in many industries, but in real estate it is particularly essential because...

Working with Millennial Home Buyers

Millennial home buyers, one of the largest demographics in history, are poised to move into the housing market.