3 Reasons Why We Love the World Cup

We can't wait to see who will win this year's World Cup, but there are a few other reasons why we're excited about the 2014 installment of the...

February’s Most Popular Homes From Coldwell...

We've compiled a visual list of the homes that were some of the biggest hits on Coldwell Banker social media accounts this month.

Slideshow: Most Popular Homes of 2013 on...

With 2013 now behind us, we thought it would be a great idea to showcase some of the most popular listed homes that we featured on our Instagram and...

The Ultimate House According to Pinterest

What a dream home really looks like...according to Pinterest.

Dreaming, Decorating or Looking to a Buy a Home?...

We are pleased to announce the Pin It button has been added to all of our listings on coldwellbanker.com. Pinning beautiful décor ideas or photos...

6 Socially Inspired Additions to Your Home

Social networks have virtually taken over our lives. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have become as familiar as our family members. Sometimes even...