Must Do Tasks to Get Your Home Ready for Spring
If you’re like me, you’ve been scavenging around the internet for small but efficient ways to transition your home from the treacherous...
Spring is Here. So What Do You Need to Know About...
It’s officially spring and while the temperatures hesitantly begin climbing upward, I can without a doubt say that I’m ready to ditch the bitter...
Realtor Mag Agrees, Color is a Must in 2014!
I understand that yellow and red walls can be sort of overwhelming to some. If this is the case, as you'll see referenced in the photos below,...
5 Things Husbands Need for Spring Cleaning at Home
Gentlemen, the hour is coming nigh. It will be a crisp, sunny Saturday morning and your wife will turn to you and say, "I think we need to do some...
How is the Real Estate Market?
I like to joke that I started my career in real estate as a 12-year-old when my dad hired me to do odd jobs at his Huskey Realty in Orlando. While...