Slideshow: 5 Homes with Incredible Swimming Pools
With summer quickly approaching, everyone is gearing up for the season’s hottest pasttime: swimming! The beach can be fun but there is nothing like...
4 Must-Have Innovative Cooking Gadgets for Summer
I know nothing about running a kitchen. In fact, I barely know where the various pots, pans and kitchenware go in the various drawers and cabinets...
How to Not Pay Twice for Live TV in Your Vacation...
Summer months are coming when you'll start planning those trips to maybe that vacation home by the beach or on the lake or just away from it all....
We Promise You’ve Never Seen a Pool Like...
You know that list you make every time you dream about hitting the lottery…you know the one. Not the one that includes paying off student...
Labor Day: A Transitional Time of Year at Home
Happy Labor Day everyone. It's the greatest oxymoron of holidays. Most of us will take the day off on a day celebrating workers of the past and...
3 Easy Tips for Your Summer Yard
Many homeowners enjoy the summer because it allows them to get outdoors and plant flowers. I'm not one of them. But my wife certainly is so to keep a...