Is This the Cutest Backyard Party Idea Ever?

An easy, super creative and absolutely adorable DIY kid's party idea. Don't forget the popcorn!

Now is the Time to Get Your Air Conditioning...

Don't wait for summer. Now is actually the time to get your home's air conditioning unit serviced to make sure it's ready for those dog days ahead.

Turning a Summer Place into an Autumn Oasis

I don’t know about your house, but in my home the last few weekends have been crazy. Whether it was closing the pool, buying my son cozy new...

5 Perfect Rooms to Curl Up in this Fall

Here are some other incredible "Fireplace Rooms," that we collected from our Pinterest page to showcase. Grab a cup of hot cider and enjoy!

Stuff You Need to do for Your Home in September

September. The month where summer ends and fall begins...unless you live in San Diego. Then it's just summer all year. But for most of us as the...

How to Keep Your Home Cool with Just a Fan

If you're home is like mine, there are weekly arguments about what the temperature should be in your house. The thermostat is probably programmed as...