Home Tip of the Day: Onion Goggles

Chopping onions doesn't have to make you cry. Make sure chopping onions isn't a tearful experience with this Home Tip of the Day.

Weave The Basket Trick Into Your Spring Cleaning...

Finally, one simple trick to wake up to a clean home every morning: the basket.

Will Burying St. Joseph Help Sell Your Home?

I know this whole thing sounds a little odd and unconventional but the only way to find out if burying St. Joseph will help sell your home is to try...

3 Year Old Shares 3 Last Minute Christmas Tips...

Right now the Internet is bombarded with tips to make your Christmas more enjoyable. Tips on gifts. Tips on what to cook. Tips on how to survive...

Secrets to Buying Your First Home

The basics of looking for your first home are an often discussed item within real estate circles. I should know because we dedicated a whole week to...

How to Reduce Your Water Footprint

Here are some great tips that will hopefully give you more ideas on how to integrate water-saving techiques into your family's routine.