There’s a lot of emphasis on looking thin these days, but I wasn’t so sure that it applied to houses. In Warsaw, Poland Jakub Szczęsny of Centrala saw a small space between two buildings and thought it had potential to be used for more than just a gap between two buildings. Jakub intends to put what could be the world’s skinniest house there.
Upon completion this Kate Moss-esque domicile will be no more than 4 feet wide and use multiple levels in a triangular design to create more space than what the width suggests. Those entering the house will place themselves on the transformable, remote control stairs, that flatten themselves when being in”up” position and become regular stairs when going down. The house will also boast boat-inspired water and sewage technology separate from city systems.
The amazing thing is the home already has a buyer, Israeli writer Etgar Keret who is best known for his short stories and graphic novels.
This just goes to show you that no matter the size, shape or location, there’s always a place someone can call home. Check out the full photos of the world’s skinniest house at Archdaily.com.
Only 4 feet wide? Hmmm No thanks!
David … Thank you very much for your article ! I am really looking forward to meeting you on 8/24 in Florida ! Have a GREAT day !
Thanks Douglas. I’ll see you in a few weeks!