This is Home with Rapping Kids

The Coldwell Banker Life, Camera, Action YouTube contest provided some amazing videos of kids, pets and homes from across the country. Actually the videos with pets vs. the videos with kids was pretty much a 50/50 split. The 10 finalist videos were all pretty amazing. It was fun to see the different takes on what makes a home so special. Some were touching. Some were humorous. But the winning video was just plain adorable.

The Coldwell Banker Life, Camera, Action YouTube contest provided some amazing videos of kids, pets and homes from across the country. Actually the videos with pets vs. the videos with kids was pretty much a 50/50 split. The 10 finalist videos were all pretty amazing. It was fun to see the different takes on what makes a home so special. Some were touching. Some were humorous. But the winning video was just plain adorable.

I dare you to watch this video without smiling. The $25,000 grand prize winning video above is called “This is Home” but affectionately here at the Coldwell Banker office we refer to it as “Rapping Kids.” It’s quite simply one of the sweetest and entertaining videos about home that you’ll ever see.

The video comes to us from the Johnson family of Henderson, NV where dad, Jeff, is a schoolteacher and his wife, Suzanne, runs her own business out of their home. Their twins, Liam and Elle, will turn 4 in December and have easily the brightest music career imaginable ahead of them.

I talked with Jeff about the inspiration for the video and he said the song was something he was actually working on for a few months and when he heard about the Coldwell Banker contest it gave him the motivation to finally complete what he had started.

As you can imagine choreographing twin 3 year old’s while also trying to get them to sing the right words is quite a task and the video take more time than expected to get done which didn’t give them much time to get votes before the contest ended. But thanks to a late push in voting by friends and family their video was able to make it into the top 10 finalists.

We wondered how a high school social studies teacher manages to find time to create rap songs and shoot music videos, but Jeff explained this is something he enjoys doing as projects. Well Jeff, this project just paid off.

The Johnson family moved into their current home just over 2 years ago when they quickly realized their home at the time that had only 2 bedrooms wouldn’t quite work for their growing family. So the winnings from the contest they hope to put towards redoing their backyard as they’ve had some plans for it in their minds but didn’t think they’d be able to see them come to fruition.

I’m hoping their plans involve a water slide and perhaps a basketball court, but whatever they end up doing I’m sure Liam & Elle will love it.

Take a look at the video above to see “This is Home” and add a smile to your day. And if you really want a smile, watch the video below and see the kids’ reaction to being told they won the contest:

David Marine
David Marine

Husband. Father. Socializer. Mets Lifer. TV Aficionado. Consumer Engager. David Marine is the Senior Vice President of Marketing for Coldwell Banker where he oversees the brand’s marketing efforts and content strategy including acting as managing editor for the Coldwell Banker blog and heading up video production efforts. While SVP by day, David runs a three ring circus at night as he is the father of 4 boys. He also happens to be married to Wonder Woman. True story.


  1. Absolutely adorable and precious. The twins make this home a family for sure! Congratulations to this family and thanks to Coldwell Banker for giving back to our real estate family of clients and consumers! I am so proud to be a part of the Coldwell Banker family at Coldwell Banker United, REALTORS in Central Texas!!

  2. So precious and adorably cute. My heart is warmed with the gift that CB awarded to this darling family! Proud to be a part of Coldwell Banker!!

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