By Co-Founder NorthStar Moving Company Laura McHolm
The official start of spring is just around the corner! Most of hope, that spring will bring us warmer temperatures but it also brings us the task of spring-cleaning. Each year we dream of starting the new season off with a cleaner, brighter and more organized home. Sound like a miracle? Well, it can all come true with one simple “miracle” closet.

You may already think your closet is a miracle because it holds everything you ever bought. But, can you find that hot little black dress for a last minute date night dinner for two? Do you really need to keep your wedding dress right in the prime real estate of the center of your closet? With one weekend and these simple step-by-step tips on how to create a true “miracle closet” you will be more organized. Life will just be that much better for you in 2015. Think of all the time you’ll save this year by not having to dig through your stuff. You’ll no longer be the “person who is always 10 to 30 minutes late.” Instead, you’ll have more time to focus on the important things in life like spending treasured time with your loved ones. Follow these three steps to create your very own miracle closet, the launching pad for a clutter free spring 2015!
Step One: Empty and Sort
- Empty everything out of the closet onto the floor. I mean everything!
- Create four piles: keep, give away, recycle and store.
- Having trouble letting go of nostalgic items? Ask yourself: When was the last time I wore or used this? If you can’t remember, get rid of it.
- If the item is just too difficult to part with, put it in a clear plastic box or bag with today’s date and place it in your store pile. If you go back to use it in the next few months then you earned the right to keep it. If not, it’s time to give it away and let someone less fortunate enjoy it!
- If the item is something you use or wear only during one season a year, it can go into storage. Think of your closet as prime real estate that needs to be accessed daily and your storage as the summer vacation or winter chalet home for your stuff.
- Look at your give away and recycle piles, ask yourself: Could someone else use this item even if I can’t? If so, donate it to a charity. If it is too worn, add it to this week’s trash or recycle pile.
Step Two: Box and Label
- Take photos of each item in your to store pile. Print out two copies of each photo.
- Next, box up all of your items in the storage category be sure to include cedar balls to keep the moths away. Place one copy of the photo on the outside of each box with today’s date and the second copy either file away or scan and create a file on your computer. On your computer, clearly label the photos of the item and place them in a file labeled “garage storage.” Then use your computer search feature to find “go-go boots” and look which file that photo is in. Presto, you’ll know where to go find it in your storage unit, attic or garage.
- In your keep pile: take photos of shoes and accessories. Don’t forget to tell your shoes to “work it baby” as you snap the photo.
- Place the shoes and accessories in clear plastic containers so you can see everything and tape their photo to the inside of their container with the photo facing out of the box.
- For sheets and blankets: place them in clear containers and label the outside of the container with the size of the sheet and blanket. Or, if you prefer to let your linens “breathe” make labels (p-touch or by hand) and place labels on the shelves or use a tag around the hanger designating the size of sheets, etc.
Step Three: Put Items Back and Organize
- Decide how many categories you want for your clothes. Ask yourself – How do I like to decide what to wear? Then organize your closet accordingly. Remember, always within any category, organize by color.
- Put your boxes of shoes back by use or occasion. For example, sport vs. work, and then break down your dressy shoes by flats to heels and light to dark.
- For your folding clothes: lay them inside your drawers or on the shelf on their side. (NOT stacked on top of each other horizontally, but stacked vertically so you can see everything at once!) You can purchase wooden or plastic planks to use as dividers. Having your clothes and accessories all in view and organized by categories will help you find items quickly and you’ll actually wear more of your clothes!
- Last but not least, step back and take a picture of your new “miracle” closet and place it on the inside of your closet or drawer so you can keep it that way!
Bonus: Now that you can see all your clothes chances are you’ll wear different outfits more often. New wardrobe? Nope, newly organized.
Laura McHolm is an organizational, moving & storage expert and co-founder of NorthStar Moving Company. NorthStar Moving Company is an award winning, “A+” rated company, which specializes in providing eco-luxury moving and storage services.