The Kentucky Derby is this weekend, and while you may not care about horse racing any other day of the year, it’s a great excuse to gather some friends and family for a party in your home. Here’s what you need to throw a fun and authentic Derby Day party:
Derby Drinks

Mint Juleps are a popular southern cocktail that are not only super easy to make, but also quite refreshing on a sunny spring day! Follow this recipe from Southern Living and kick of Derby Day with a toast!
Dress the Part
It would be wrong to throw a Derby party and not require your guests to wear the classic Derby Day attire. Wondering what that means, exactly? Breezy sundresses and big hats for the ladies (the bigger the brim, the better!) and khakis with a button-up for the guys (bonus points for spring pastels)!
Appetizers With a Twist

A party isn’t a party without appetizers, but in order to stay authentic to the theme of a Derby Day party, putting a Southern twist on the food is a must-do. This Derby Bourbon Shrimp recipe sounds absolutely delicious – we have a feeling your guests may come back for seconds.
Derby Decor

Just in case you were worried that Kentucky Derby decor doesn’t exist, let me put those fears to rest. Party City is serious about derby decorations. From cups to plates to balloons and even tablecloths, your guests definitely won’t be wondering what type of party they’re attending. For those of you who prefer a more subtle decor approach, bright colors and dainty details as shown in the above photo from Hostess with the Mostess will also do the trick!
Are you celebrating Derby Day at home? Tag @coldwellbanker in your photos so we can join the party virtually!
Header image via Flickr user Bill Brine